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Drug Enforcement Administration Atlanta Field Division Special Agent Plaque

Receiving an award after giving out an exceptional service is truly fulfilling. So, why not give the unique and quality gift for everyone in service who deserves to be awarded?


Military Plaques added this exclusively-made Drug Enforcement Administration Atlanta Field Division Special Agent Plaque in its collection. This beautifully handcrafted plaque shows the DEA special agent’s badge painted gold at the center with four flags colored red, black, white, and gold. At the outer layer with the black background color, Atlanta Field Division Drug Enforcement Administration is engraved. The fact that it is 100% made of quality mahogany and not from cheap hollow stuff or fake wood made from plastic makes it more fantastic! It is hand-carved and hand-painted in detail 3D-look giving eye-catching effect to the plaque when hung or displayed on walls.

The mission of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), as a part of the US Department of Justice, is to enforce the drug laws and regulations of the United States. Every year, the DEA is choosing the best group of men and women who will join the DEA special agents service career and who have what it takes to combat the illegal drug trade.

This stunning Drug Enforcement Administration Atlanta Field Division Special Agent Plaque is always a great gift or award idea in any special agent graduation or recognition ceremony. You can freely customize this special agent plaque by altering the design, color, and size. We can also change the shape of any cut-out you like. If you want to add a dedication text, we can add another outer layer to it. Just tell us your specifications and we’ll turn it into a lovely plaque!

Excited to give a special agent friend or colleague a plaque? Contact us today and make your order!


Company Data

  • American Plaque
  • Company
  • 1905 Twisting Pine Court
  • Mishawaka, IN 46544-6881 U.S.A.

Legal Business Name:

  • American Plaque
  • Company
  • Federal Tax ID:
  • 27-2920261
  • DUNS: 963256842
  • CAGE/NCAGE: 63V32

NAICS Codes:

  • 321211, 321999, 337211,
  • 337215, 339950
  • PSC Codes: 7110, 8455,
  • 9905, 9999
  • FSC Codes: 8455, 9905

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