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How to throw a military retirement party

What is a military retirement party supposed to be like? What food is expected? Who are you going to invite? How do you even start to pull it off? These are probably the question you are asking right now while you’re planning to throw a military retirement party.

Stand at ease and worry not! Here are some ideas for that military retirement party for your soldier.


Ceremony or not?

Having a starting ceremony like asking your soldier to speak a few words, or letting co-workers talk about your soldier’s behavior really depends on you. Will you be happy with this kind of ceremony? Will your soldier like it?

Though most guys will say they are not into these kinds of things, hearing inspirational words is good and memorable. So we suggest, someone or some people should speak a few words and a toast to it.


If you want to print out formal invitations and send them out, make sure you get the words on the invitations right. Put a picture of your soldier wearing the uniform, the name and do not forget the years in service! Of course, put the date and place of the party.

If you do not want printed invitations, you can just lay out one with the same wording and send them out online, whether e-mail of the social media accounts that you and the people you wish to invite use.

Who do you invite? The people who are not just close to you, but also to your soldiers. The party is for the person who is retiring, not for you.


Think about all the people who are going to the military retirement party and the time of the event then create your menu. Some parties have cookies and of all sorts of baked goods. But if you are not down for baked stuff, a cold beer and a burger will be good! BBQ out in the yard is cool, too. Add beer or lemonade to that!


If you are not a fan of cutouts and all, that’s okay. But just in case, you want to design a photo booth or what – the colors you should be using are red, blue and white. You can put up mini flags around the house or decorate your cupcakes using the three colors. If it’s a party outside the house, a photo booth would be great. Just put together three pieces of cloth: blue, white and red – for a background. Then use buy fancy military hats for props.

Soldier’s Token

Yes, it’s a party for your soldier and a token must not be forgotten. A token that will be appreciated and is related to the retirement party. Suggestions are: a retirement plaque or a shadow box. Why not both if you can get the two?



Why a plaque? Your soldier served for years, a wooden plaque with his name on it and the badges is what he deserves. Something he can put on the wall or something he can put in the living room and he will look at it with happiness. A shadow box is good, too, where he can display all his badges with pride. After all those years in the military, your soldier’s badges should not be kept in the drawers! Get a shadow box and display them there.



Here’s a tip. We different kinds of plaques and shadow boxes for your soldier in our website! Check the choices and get that token for your soldier who served the country with love!

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