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Are you in the military? Or government? Or any office or agency? Whoever you are, you deserve a high-quality desk nameplate displayed on your table or desk! Why do you need a desk nameplate?

For identification

Desk nameplates perfectly show one’s identification in his or her office, department, unit, or agency. Whenever people visit or enter your office, they’ll easily find out if you’re the one they’re looking for or not. You don’t need to brag about your position because, hey, your desk nameplate will do it for you!

Military Plaques are known for bringing the highest quality, professional desk nameplates to military units and department, and government offices and agencies. You can put your names and titles in any font style and color you wish.

Army National Guard Desknameplate

For ownership

If you’re a businessman or an owner of a company or establishment, you should consider having a classy desk nameplate. A desk nameplate displayed on your table is simply a professional way of telling your staffs that you deserve their respect and loyalty!

Military Plaques had produce different styles of desk nameplates over the decades to different companies and organization – you can check out the gallery for our wide selection of samples that we made for years. You can be creative on putting your names and titles on your desk nameplate, too like you can put your screen name or the name your staffs and employee called you. You can also put on the top of the desk nameplate like for example the mascot of your fast food restaurant or the most buy products on your business. Military Plaques can do that all!


For motivation

Desk nameplates are great in giving out to employees or staffs, or military men and women, or government officials, or police and firefighters officers who consistently shows dedication in service. A stylish desk nameplate is a perfect motivation for those who have been promoted to higher position or ranks or recognize as an employee of the year or sailor of the quarter.

Here at Military Plaques, we appreciate the hard work of everyone in the service that’s why we only produce the highest quality desk nameplates that absolutely perfect for anyone! We can customize according to the personality of your employees. If they like it to be modern or classic, professional or casual, just tell us and Military Plaques will bring the best desk nameplates for you!


For a new desk nameplate

Are you tired of looking at your old desk nameplates? Do you have a new design in mind you want to see on your desk? It’s your time to personalize your own desk nameplate! If you have a friend worrying about it too, you can personalize something for him or her or recommend to them the idea.

Military Plaques will make your life easier with our highest quality desk nameplates! Our desk nameplates are handcrafted from carving to finish. Each desk nameplate is made from the finest quality mahogany wood that lasts a lifetime without warping.

There are a lot of different designs of desk nameplates that you can find in our gallery. But don’t worry, if you can’t find the design you want, you can freely customize your own with the help of our artists. You can choose the font colors and font styles of the names and titles on your desk nameplates. You can also personalize a design at the top of the desk nameplates like for example, you can put your pet’s image or your favorite food image. You can also add a quote or description if you want. Plus, you can choose two (2) carved emblems, or two (2) velvet pins, or one of each.

Aside from desk nameplates, Military Plaques also offer plaques and shadow boxes that you can hang or display on your walls or podiums.

What are you waiting for? Contact us today and order a personalized plaque, shadow box, or desk nameplate for you and/or for your friends!


Company Data

  • American Plaque
  • Company
  • 1905 Twisting Pine Court
  • Mishawaka, IN 46544-6881 U.S.A.

Legal Business Name:

  • American Plaque
  • Company
  • Federal Tax ID:
  • 27-2920261
  • DUNS: 963256842
  • CAGE/NCAGE: 63V32

NAICS Codes:

  • 321211, 321999, 337211,
  • 337215, 339950
  • PSC Codes: 7110, 8455,
  • 9905, 9999
  • FSC Codes: 8455, 9905

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