TOLL FREE: 1-800-313-1876

Firefighter Plaques

In over 25 years, we accurately reproduced many quality plaques for firefighting departments and officers throughout the USA. We got a file of a great selection of those firefighter and firehouse badges and patches that we have turned into wall plaques, just view our gallery. You can have them as gifts or awards if you desire to surprise a friend or family in service during a firehouse event.

Send us a photo or print of your badges or patches, or choose from our gallery, and we’ll carve and paint it into a superb plaque made of the finest mahogany wood in full color or based on your specifications. You can also custom the designs, shapes and sizes the way you want it!

No minimum order required and no shipping fees.

Results 1 - 20 of 34
$155.95 each
$155.95 each
$155.95 each
$155.95 each
$155.95 each
$155.95 each
$155.95 each
$155.95 each
$155.95 each
$155.95 each
$155.95 each
$155.95 each
$155.95 each
$155.95 each
$155.95 each
Results 1 - 20 of 34

Global CTA



Standard Shipping & Mockup Design


TOLL FREE: 1-800-313-1876

Company Data

  • American Plaque
  • Company
  • 1905 Twisting Pine Court
  • Mishawaka, IN 46544-6881 U.S.A.

Legal Business Name:

  • American Plaque
  • Company
  • Federal Tax ID:
  • 27-2920261
  • DUNS: 963256842
  • CAGE/NCAGE: 63V32

NAICS Codes:

  • 321211, 321999, 337211,
  • 337215, 339950
  • PSC Codes: 7110, 8455,
  • 9905, 9999
  • FSC Codes: 8455, 9905

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