The Bergenfield Police Department, also known as BPD takes pride in serving the community through a commitment, to community policing. From the Chief of Police to the patrol officer they focus on building partnerships solving problems and ensuring safety.
Established back in 1921 with six police officers who each had their motorcycle at that time the BPD has come a long way from its humble beginnings.
Through community programs and initiatives such as the Danger Stranger Program for schools in the 1970s teaching children about safety and stranger awareness; the Fourth Grade Program that helps fourth graders understand law enforcement and community safety; DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) program educating students about drug dangers; Police Youth Academy offering summer activities for 6th, to 8th graders; and High School DWI Education Program promoting responsible decision making.
The core values of fairness, transparency and consistency drive the BPDs actions. Their officers undergo education including West Point Command and leadership training to uphold these values.
The patch represents their commitment, to the welcoming community of Bergenfield. So, whenever you notice that patch think of the officers who ensure safety, foster connections and serve with honor.
Should you wish to order your Berganville PD patch plaque you can do so above or contact us with your own artwork and we'll craft you your own police department patch plaque at no extra charge.