9th Communication Battalion Patch Plaque
Custom Made Plaque Service for US Marine Corps Battalions & Divisions
Have your Marine Corps Insignia custom made as a solid mahogany wall plaque. Hand carved and hand painted mahogany wood plaque. A perfect as a wall plaque or podium plaque. Fantastic additions to any USMC memorabilia collection. Great US Marine Corps retirement gift, Marines graduation gift, or Marine Corps awards. Recessed hook enables the plaque to hang flush against any wall.
9th Communication Marine Corps Battalion: On order, deploy task-organized, self-sustaining combat-ready detachments capable of providing command, control, communications, and computer (C4) support to CG MARFORPAC, CG I MEF, CG 1ST MEB, Subordinate MAGTF, and MEU Commanders, in support of Joint and/or Combined operations in any environment and across the spectrum of conflict.
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