Written by: MIlitaryPlaques.com
Category: MPQ Blog

Military retirement plaques are a great way to acknowledge and honor the dedicated service of departing US military personnel. Retirement plaques are often given as gifts or tokens to commemorate the loyalty and dedication of a retiree. They can either come from their own unit or from colleagues from the military service.

Military Plaques can offer you the widest choices of military retirement plaques that range from the most basic up to the most complex design of your choice.

If you cannot figure out the right words to say on the plaque, keep in mind these guidelines on how to make your military retirement plaque sayings concise, professional, and meaningful at the same time.

Answer these questions before clicking our online order form:

Who is the recipient Who will be giving the plaque? How many years of service did the recipient render? When is the plaque presented? With this basic information, your retirement/ presentation plaque will likely appear this way:

If you have additional instructions or details to be included on the plaque, be sure to indicate them on the order form.

If you need more assistance with your retirement plaque design and wordings, contact us at via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or via phone 1-800 313 1876.